Maria Hirsch

Relaxation and Healing

de en

Yoga Nidra


Deep relaxation for body, mind and soul.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient, highly effective deep relaxation, in which the consciousness is focused on the inside.

Nidra means sleep - Yoga Nidra is a conscious form of sleep.

While you are lying in Savasana (relaxation position on the back), you go on a trip to perception of your body parts, breath, emotions and feelings as well as to different mental images.

I accompany your trip sensitively with certain words, phrases and soft background music.

Through Yoga Nidra relaxation happens on several levels - tensions in the body, but also deeper emotional and mental tensions are being balanced.

In this state, blocking and life impairing thought and behaviour patterns are being resolved - Yoga Nidra helps to do this in a gentle way. A contact to your own deeper wisdom establishes - room for more inspiration and creative experience is free.

By practicing, you generally become more receptive to develop a pleasant relaxed body feeling, clarity, awareness and alertness. Sleep is deeper and more relaxed at night.

Yoga Nidra is used as a preventive health care and as well as with pre-existing medical conditions it can help to strengthen your health. Especially people who feel exhausted and drained, benefit from this method.

I offer Yoga Nidra either as single session or I would be happy to come to your home into your familiar surrounding. If you are a small group that likes to experience these positive effects together, we can also arrange a course which at the beginning takes place 6 times once a week.